Practical Information

Where is IQFA'X Colloquium located ?

The Colloquium will take place on the CNRS Headquarters Campus in Paris Michel-Ange (16th district).

All talks will be given in the dedicated Amphitheater, all posters will be presented in the Atrium, and meals and coffee breaks will be taken on site.


How to reach the Colloquium location by plane, train, and public transportation ?

The exact address is :

CNRS - Délégation Paris Michel-Ange
3 rue Michel-Ange - 75794 Paris cedex 16
Tél. 01 44 96 40 00

- By plane to Paris Orly and Charles De Gaulle International airports (Paris Airports). From there, you can join the CNRS Campus by taking airport shuttles to "Place Denfert-Rochereau" in Paris downtown or the RER B.

Metro and Bus lines that reach the CNRS campus and stop at "Michel-Ange Auteuil" are:

Metro & Bus lines

More information on Paris public transportation can be found online on their website RATP.

- By train to Paris Gare de Lyon or other rail stations. Once arrived, take public transportation to reach the CNRS Campus to the stop "Michel-Ange Auteuil" (see above).

- Additional information on how to reach the CNRS Campus can be found on the website of the CNRS Headquarters: Localisation map.


Important note concerning the access to the CNRS Campus

For security reasons, only registered participants will be allowed to access the CNRS Campus, and therefore IQFA'X Colloquium.

We kindly ask you to attend the Colloquium with a valid passport or an ID card.

We thank you for your understanding.


Accomodation in Paris

There are so many hotel facilities in Paris that the best way to find yours is to use your favorite web booking site.




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